Newsletter – April 2024

"We are rejoicing to be
Poured Out
For The Nations!"
Philippians 2:17


A Letter of Hope and Mission

Dear Poured Out Followers of Jesus Christ,

Pretty amazing—we are in the Spring time of 2024! Soon it will be summer and the year will be half over. This year seems to be shaping up as very critical and will probably have a measure of turmoil and trouble. In the midst of these increasingly dark times I have good news—we have a King who is coming for us! He tells us in times just like these:

‘Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so,
I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again and receive you to Myself;
that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:1-3

Do you know what is an increasingly difficult commodity these days? Hope. When people lose hope and become overwhelmed with discouragement our Savior comes in with good news and great hope! The good news for those who need to be saved from their sins and given eternal life is that our Lord Jesus died to pay for our sins and rose from the grave! He gives eternal life and a wellspring of hope that does not disappoint in a world immersed in disappointment.

Our Savior then gives us the blessed hope of His coming for us in the clouds any moment—and certainly He will come to take us back to that place He has been preparing for His precious people. At the revelation of Jesus Christ to His people (the Rapture) all our hope by faith will become sight! Today, you can rest your hope in Him and rest all your hope in His coming if you have received Him as your Savior:

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5

…looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ Titus 2:13

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ…
1 Peter 1:13

Having been reminded of these things what should we do with all this hope—should we keep it to ourselves while others are becoming hopeless and discouraged? Actually, we can and should be reminded of our soon coming Savior’s mission for us all—it is His mission. We are to be here on mission carrying out His mission—what is it?

…for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10

Our Savior came to seek and save that which was lost—so shouldn’t that be our mission until He comes for us? I am also a pastor and as I have been leading pastor conferences and gospel outreaches in Africa I know that many pastors and Christians are hopeless and discouraged these days. I also know that many lost precious souls are looking for answers as the trouble increasingly mounts in the world.

Hallelujah—when I go to Africa and lead these pastor meetings we experience a fresh wind of Holy Spirit life—may our Savior Jesus be praised! All of a sudden what seemed impossible once again becomes Him-possible! The living color of heavenly life is infused back into what was becoming the black and white dullness of lukewarm and lifeless Christianity.

These pastors, and me too, are given revival life and something else begins to stir: our desire to see the lost saved by the Savior! We have the ONLY answer for the question so many are asking today: “what hope is left for me in this increasingly rotten world?” Again, we have the only answer: The Lord Jesus saves and He will not leave you here if you will call on His name and follow Him—He has gone to prepare a place for you because HE LOVES YOU! Excuse me—HALLELUJAH!


Here is where you come in to the program. We can participate together in this upcoming discipleship/gospel outreach opportunity. Now, instead of seven there are eight countries from which pastors will come together in Kampala, Uganda. There, we pastors will meet around the Scriptures as I teach the Watch Therefore message from our Savior to His people. Then I will preach the gospel in the evenings and Lord willing see the lost come to Christ Jesus to be saved and set free!

This Watch Therefore message stirs the lukewarm to repentance and restores the fiery hope we have in Messiah Jesus. When presented with the gospel it also gives urgency to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord today not later. Again, here is where you come in.

We as team Jesus Christ can participate together in 3 ways:

1. PRAYING: will you pray for this outreach? Prayer points: funds to come in, my travels, revived pastors, saved souls and whatever the Holy Spirit lays upon your heart.
2. GIVING: our $40,000 budget still has a need of about $20,000 as I prepare this letter. If our Savior leads, will you prayerfully consider sowing into this mission outreach?
3. GOING: Lord willing, I will do the going.

Together, may we see and experience a great harvest of hope and salvation!

In His service,
Dov Schwarz

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "WTBR Today" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

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Don't forget! Watch Therefore Television Program
Now on CTN, NRB-TV, and Inspiration TV
Check Cable, Satellite & Local Listings for days & times

Also find us on social media:

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA

Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or Donate Online At:

Poured Out for the Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc., a 501c3 organization.

The funds contributed are administered under the complete discretion and control of the Board of Directors.

Newsletter – March 2024

"We are rejoicing to be
Poured Out
For The Nations!"
Philippians 2:17


Dear Poured Out Followers of Messiah Jesus,

Have you noticed what is going on in the world economy? Have you been to the grocery store lately? You see, everything truly is headed toward a financial reset and we can know this because of Bible Prophecy.

According to the good book—the BIBLE—a one world government, religion—and yes—economy is on the doorstep of this world. Just think, here in America, according to some reports, we are adding 1 trillion dollars of debt every 100 days! It is unsustainable my friends. This is another sign that ushers in the new world financial order that will develop into the Beast or Anti-Christ world takeover. Thankfully, it is only temporary because King Jesus will rule over the final global empire!

Having said all that, what should I do with my money? As it is becoming worth-less very quickly until finally it will be worthless—what is the best investment? Well, I am no financial advisor—but I can share an investment program with you that will never fail and always will be profitable for eternity! This program also facilitates good heart health. It is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ financial plan:

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-20

Though the Lord has blessed and provided for my family—over the years I have found this plan to be enriching in things more important than my earthly bank account. The peace and rest of walking in the words of my Savior has much more promise than a 401k because a 401k can become a 101k in times of financial downturn. But there is an investment in something that stands the test of time.

What is the most valuable investment? To answer that question we need to remember that value is determined by what someone will pay for something. What is the highest price ever paid for something on this entire earth in all of history? The answer: SOULS!

Our Heavenly Father invested His most precious commodity—His only begotten Son—to redeem (purchase) lost and perishing souls! I am going to list a few passages that prove just that. Afterwards, I am going to share a soul investing opportunity with you today!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16

“For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.”
Luke 18:11

“And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.”
1 Peter 1:17-19

Here is the investment opportunity:

In May I am leading a four-day seven nation Uganda Pastor Conference/Gospel Outreach. Pastors from seven (maybe eight) countries are coming to Kampala, Uganda where in the daytime I will teach them Bible Prophecy and Evangelism. Then, at night I will be preaching to the lost and unsaved. I will be sharing this soul saving gospel with them that our Savior will receive the reward for His investment—SAVED SOULS!

Will you join me?
Many times I have mentioned the Team Messiah Jesus protocol: Praying, Giving, Going. I will do the going—will you prayerfully consider doing the praying and the giving? For those who will be praying I will send a prayer point newsletter out for April. But for now please pray for our Lord Jesus to raise up the givers!

Please also remember our monthly African and Indian prayer and financial support. And, please pray as our TV Program Watch Therefore is expanding and costs so much! However, it is also another means of sharing this life saving gospel and investing in ongoing discipleship.

And finally, THANK YOU for reading this letter and prayerfully responding as the Holy Spirit leads—may our Savior Jesus be praised!!!

In His service,
Dov Schwarz

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "WTBR Today" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

Click Here to donate!


Don't forget! Watch Therefore Television Program
Now on CTN, NRB-TV, and Inspiration TV
Check Cable, Satellite & Local Listings for days & times

Also find us on social media:

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA

Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or Donate Online At:

Poured Out for the Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc., a 501c3 organization.

The funds contributed are administered under the complete discretion and control of the Board of Directors.

Newsletter – February 2024

"We are rejoicing to be
Poured Out
For The Nations!"
Philippians 2:17



Maybe you have not yet considered the fruitful gospel and discipleship work you can sow into for 2024. The world is racing toward the final prophetic scenarios of this age. I have some good news—we have a King that is coming for us any moment! Having said that—I have a great opportunity for us to join together for an end times harvest! We can work together to see souls saved and pastors from seven countries blessed and discipled—to then take that discipleship back to their countries!

May 7-10, 2024 Uganda International Pastor Conference/Gospel Outreach!

For those who would like to watch and be ready for our Savior’s appearing we can obey His command to watch for Him in the Rapture and obey His words from Matthew 28

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Matthew 28:18-20

We are hosting our first four day Watch Therefore International Pastor Conference/Gospel Outreach! Key pastors from seven countries will be there: Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, S Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, DR Congo.

I simply cannot get to all the countries inviting me for such a conference. The word has spread to these countries of our Rwanda Pastor Conferences where our Africa Watch Therefore team has helped me reach over 1,500 pastors with this kind of conference.

So, we are gathering the pastors together for this event to then send them back to their countries with the Watch Therefore message. These conferences spark urgency to repent of lukewarmness and to watch for our Savior and get to work with the gospel and discipleship! Here is another key Bible passage we are obeying with this May 2024 Kingdom effort:

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2

Our budget is $40,000 and we are already using part of this budget in preparation for the event. Our Africa Watch Therefore Team is shuttling between Uganda and Rwanda for organizational meetings and preparations. We can work together as Team Messiah Jesus—PRAYING, GIVING, AND GOING! Will you prayerfully consider praying and giving—I will do the going!


“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

The Pastor Conference will be in the daytime and in the evenings we will have gospel events where I will preach the glorious gospel of our soon coming Savior Jesus!

Last summer in Rwanda we needed $25,000 and the Lord raised it up and also over 500 precious souls who were saved! Many were baptized and many are also in ongoing discipleship training.

If our Lord lays upon your heart to participate prayerfully—you will receive prayer points in the newsletter to do so. If the Holy Spirit leads you to financially support this effort please send your tax-deductible gift to either Watch Therefore or Poured Out For The Nations. Be sure to put “May Africa” in the check memo section or in the note section for online giving.

Lord willing, this special May 2024 Uganda Int’l Pastor Conference/Gospel Outreach will be another great way to Watch Therefore and Be Ready because King Jesus is coming for us any moment!

Please also remember our monthly support for our African pastors in Kenya, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo—they truly are heavenly men doing heavenly work! The same for our support of the Indian Bishop overseeing two thousand churches across India! I have a Bible verse that says it all as the world’s economy these days is becoming more unstable. Apostle Paul thanks the Philippian Church for their gospel support:

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Philippians 4:19-20

In His service,
Dov Schwarz

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "WTBR Today" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

Click Here to donate!


Don't forget! Watch Therefore Television Program
Now on CTN, NRB-TV, and Inspiration TV
Check Cable, Satellite & Local Listings for days & times

Also find us on social media:

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943 Email: [email protected]

Or Donate Online At:

Poured Out For The Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc.