Newsletter – November 2017


"We are rejoicing to be Poured Out For The Nations!"

Dear Poured Out Followers of Messiah Jesus,

I am going to divide this letter into three components and pray it blesses you tremendously! Here are the three divisions: a word from the Word, an example of fruit from our TV program, and a great development from our “Send It Ahead Program.” First let’s look at a word from the Word.

I do not have to pay very close attention to daily events in the world that surrounds us to know how bad it is out there. What a dark and dangerous thick forest of weirdness this world is today! What great help do I have to keep me on the path of righteousness in this creepy and strange jungle of darkness?

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

Today, more than ever, have a daily plan to READ YOUR BIBLE. As I came across this simple yet powerful verse of scripture I stopped and thanked our great Savior Jesus for His powerful word that keeps me like a compass on a journey through a great wilderness! Don’t be surprised when you stumble in the darkness if you neglect to keep the lamp in front of your feet. No, instead keep the narrow path of righteousness, which leads to life, lit with the light of His Word!


Most every time we record an episode of Watch Therefore, I share the gospel. I also ask for anyone who has prayed to receive Jesus as Lord to contact us so that we can send a brochure instructing them with helpful hints regarding new faith first steps. It is called “How To Begin My New Life in Christ.”

I am confident that many people do receive the Lord without contacting us, but something happened recently for the first time. A dear man contacted our ministry requesting the brochure! What does this mean? This is the first person who has reached out in response to the gospel! Dear friends, this is my heart and I pray yours also: We are here at this moment in time to lead people to their Savior Jesus.

For those who are watching, enjoying, praying for, and even financially supporting the program—I pray this blesses you too! Watch Therefore TV is such a powerful tool to provoke the lukewarm and lost to repent and turn to the Lord. Thanks and let’s keep going!

We just paid Living Water Intl. to drill a water well for our 364 orphan and vulnerable children on a refugee camp in Uganda! I am very thankful for all the support that came in so quickly for the well. Now, please pray with us for the process to be successful and a well that will provide clean drinking water for these precious children! Remember, this water will also be used for crops so the children may eat twice per day since they currently only eat once most days.

Praise and thanks to our great King Jesus!!!

Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
Saturdays - 10pm EST/9pm CST, Mondays - 7:30am EST/6:30am CST CTN-Christian Television Network, available on DISH NETWORK, DIRECT TV, & ROKU.
Also find us on social media:

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 832-878-0756 Email: [email protected]

Or Donate Online At:

Poured Out For The Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc.

Newsletter – October 2017


October 2017

"We are rejoicing to be Poured Out For The Nations!"

Dear Poured Out Friends and Kingdom Partners,

I have such good news for this Poured Out For The Nations update! It is based on the Bible which of course makes everything so much better. In a world gone crazy like the Days of Noah, we can go forward with the joy of the Lord working in His field and blessing precious souls.

Psalm 68:5: A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation.

Matthew 6:19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

For about five months we have been sharing the news of our Send It Ahead program. We cannot take it with us when we go, but we can send it ahead! We are laying our treasures up in heaven by blessing the fatherless on the Nakivale Refugee Camp in Uganda. We are expressing the love of our Father in heaven as we come alongside Pastor Muhoza Lewi, and many other adult refugees who love these 364 orphans and vulnerable children! The good news is that we have raised all the money necessary to drill the water well which is the first priority of the SIA (Send It Ahead) Water, Food, Teachers initiative. Living Water Uganda is going to drill the well and (Lord willing) after the well is functional we will plant crops. Currently, the children only eat once per day and the crops will facilitate two meals.

Refugees often go without education due to the acute day to day situations that prevent them from going to school. Pastor Lewi has established mud brick buildings with licensed teachers who would like to receive $100 monthly. So far, we have been able to provide the ten teachers with $50 each per month. This teacher support has only been made possible through one donor who cannot sustain it long term. Lord willing, this support will come from others soon.

Ken Merrill is our project manager who will be going to Uganda to oversee the drilling. We are also praying for his trip expenses which will be a few thousand dollars. Please pray for this provision and the details for the drilling. We plan on rejoicing together when the clean drinking water is available for the children!

Please also join us in praying for churches where we minister, pastors we help support, new believers we have led to Messiah Jesus and prayed for who are becoming disciples, and other work that would be too much to mention.

It is such a blessing to be Poured Out For The Nations!

Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
Saturdays - 10pm EST/9pm CST, Mondays - 7:30am EST/6:30am CST CTN-Christian Television Network, available on DISH NETWORK, DIRECT TV, & ROKU.
Also find us on social media:

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 832-878-0756 Email: [email protected]

Or Donate Online At:

Also visit our blog address!

Poured Out For The Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc.