Newsletter – June 2024

"We are rejoicing to be
Poured Out
For The Nations!"
Philippians 2:17


Dear Poured Out Followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

Winner Luzolana is one of our Africa Watch Therefore/Poured Out Team partners. He recently joined us at the Uganda Pastor/Servant Leaders Conference. In this letter he shares some of his experiences and insights. Having read his thoughts on paper I was so blessed—I thought it important to share with you:

L to R - Pastors: Balagassina, Dov, Winner

Dear brothers and sisters,

My name is Winner Luzolana, I am a pastor and I live in Congo-Kinshasa. I am a Watch Therefore/Poured Out for the Nations partner.

First and foremost, I want to thank King Jesus for his protection, care, and supply during our recent mission trip in Kampala, Uganda. I would like to say a big “thank you and God bless you” to everyone who contributed generously to my air ticket. You know, the purpose of my presence in this pastors’ conference was to serve as a translator. I was translating from English into French for Pastor Balagassina Ouattara from Burkina-Faso.

Every so often I read this following statement in pastor Dov newsletters, “We as team Jesus Christ can participate together in 3 ways: Praying, Giving, Going. Lord willing, I will do the going”. In fact, I came to realize that “Going” is the most difficult part. For instance, pastor Dov travels 23 hours all the way from the US to Africa. I felt sorry for him when we arrived in Entebbe airport in Uganda, he was supposed to get there 2 hours before us, but he couldn’t make it because of plane trouble, and moreover his flight became longer than 23 hours. Going has never been easy, I forgot to travel with malaria treatment, so I got sick on the mission. I was about to pass out on the first day of the conference but thank God for pastor Dov and other pastors who took care of me and prayed for my healing. Brethren, let me quickly mention this, Missionaries are exposed to many challenges and spiritual warfare, so it is really our duty to be praying for them when they go to the mission field.

Indeed, the Uganda conference was a success. I can see that hall full of pastors, church leaders and servants of God from eight different countries: Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya and Tanzania. Every day we witnessed praises, worship and prayers in different languages led by pastors from eight nations. I was amazed by the songs and dances of our brothers from Rwanda and Uganda.

Dancing for the Lord!

When they dance for the Lord you feel like they play sports because they jump, clap their hands and maracas – Oh, Hallelujah! It was wonderful! Heaven came down among us.As for the Word of God, the teachings of Pastor Dov Schwarz were beyond what we usually hear in pastors' conferences.

Pastor Dov taught us special teachings about Covenants and Bible prophecy. These teachings were accurate and focused on the Bible. I find it incredible that the Church today hardly preaches Abraham covenant, Moses covenant, David covenant, and so forth. Many pastors do not like to teach about Bible prophecy.

Receiving certificates

Since so many pastors do not know their Bible, they do not know the position of the Lord’s firstborn son, Israel, in the Bible Prophecy. They don't know that Israel is the timepiece of the world, they do not know that Israel is the Lord’s Fig tree. I could feel the ignorance of these things in the head of some pastors when they started asking questions.

There was a certain resistance, a certain hatred towards the Jews. This is because the Church has failed to teach the truth about the chosen people of God. And the devil took advantage of this ignorance to slip the lie, this is why many Christians today do not pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalms 122:6) and even worse they stand with Hamas in the conflict against Israel. Thank God, in the light of God's Word, Pastor Dov was able to unveil the mystery of the physical and spiritual birth of the nation of Israel. We learned a lot of things that I can’t write all.

L to R - Pastor Dov, Pastor Herman, and translator Eric

Lastly, I want to congratulate Pastor Herman for well coordinating everything and his team did a great job too.

Stay blessed and shalom,

Dov here again—and I say “well said Brother Winner!”

May our Savior Jesus be praised and may we like Apostle Paul pour ourselves out for the gospel of our soon coming King Jesus Christ!

In His service,
Dov Schwarz

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