Dov Schwarz: Have We Forgotten The Main Thing?
- It was yesterday and is today TO THE JEW FIRST AND THEN TO THE GENTILE! It is simply the plan and order of our Father that the gospel of His Only Begotten Son would be to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.
When in a fight or competition whether it is boxing, wrestling, checkers or chess, distraction and deception are components in the game. So it is with the war satan wages against the people of the Holy One of Israel. In our case we have been distracted from our most powerful message—the gospel of Jesus Christ! For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16
By way of reminder, this is the only message that saves from the eternal lake of fire (John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Rev 21:8), brings reconciliation to our Father in Heaven (Romans 5), and gives everlasting life (John 3:16)!
There is a very anti-Semitic message today amongst Christians that refuses for various reasons to share the gospel with the Jewish people. But, a very prominent Jewish Evangelist Moishe Rosen believed that the most anti-Semitic act one could commit is to with hold the gospel from the Jewish people!
Amongst missions oriented people and churches there is a changing of Romans 1:16. Their application or lifestyle of this verse seems like this interpretation: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, and it USED TO BE TO THE JEW FIRST BUT NOW IT IS TO THE GENTILES.
It was yesterday and is today TO THE JEW FIRST AND THEN TO THE GENTILE! It is simply the plan and order of our Father that the gospel of His Only Begotten Son would be to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.
That is how we do the work of our ministry. We know that if we give the first fruits of our outreach to the Jew first then He will bless the rest which in this case is our Gentile outreach! And that is what we are seeing as we have been blessed in the last seven years to be able to reach out with this powerful gospel on TV, radio, mission trips to Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Congo, Burkina Faso W Africa, Ghana, and that is an abbreviated list of our Kingdom work!
We have seen many saved (Jew and Gentile) and the numbers are literally in the many thousands and this is just the beginning!
Bottom line—let’s keep the main thing the main thing—remember our Lord Jesus came to save that which was lost. Learn to share the gospel, give out gospel tracts, pray and support our work and participate in the harvest—it is glorious!!!
Pray for us, we are leaving for Rwanda and the Congo January 24-returning February 6.
Pastor Dov Schwarz
Poured Out For The Nations
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This is a two part teaching by Pastor Dov Schwarz on ‘Righteous Job’.