"We are rejoicing
to be Poured Out
For The Nations!"
Dear Poured Out Brothers and Sisters In Messiah Jesus,
Last month I was in the midst of my January 24 - February 6 Gospel, Watch Therefore, preaching and teaching trip to Burundi and Rwanda. My newsletter deadline required me to report on the trip as of day six. Now, it is time for a look back report at the exceedingly fruitful rest of the time in Rwanda. I am giving it to you as I recorded it in my personal notes.
January 30, 2020 - day seven - we went to an Anglican High School where I preached to about 250 children. I shared my testimony and the gospel and about 168 of them came forward to receive Jesus as Lord!Then we went again to the mountain church from yesterday and another 2 prayed to receive Jesus as Lord-Hallelujah! That brings our approximate count to about 445 who have prayed to receive Jesus as Lord on this trip! In the night I preached to a small group in All Saints Church as the rains kept most from coming. We had a delightful time in the word anyway.
January 31, 2020 - day eight - My translator and I traveled by bus from Nyamagabe, where we have been since Kigali, to Rusizi down by Lake Kivu and across the lake is DR Congo. It was a day of rest and preparation to preach three times on Saturday Feb 1. I also received an email from Rwanda Air notifying me of a flight delay leaving me in Rwanda for two extra days-Abba knows best.
Feb 1, 2020 - day nine - I am preparing to preach three times and prayerfully discussing the way forward regarding my flight delay. The flight delay is from our Savior as He has arranged for me to have two extra preachings- one already scheduled -and two additional in Kigali, the capitol city of Rwanda. By day's end I have preached 3 times-twice in churches, which produced one salvation. Of course, we rejoice with heaven at one sinner's repentance but a bit disappointed that more did not receive our Savior-at least visibly anyway. Then, I preached in the evening to about 600 Christian school students. It was a powerful time and over 300 prayed to receive Messiah Jesus-Hallelujah!
Feb 2, 2020 - day ten - We went on a long and narrow old wooden fishing boat across Lake Kivu to a small island called Kabombo. We went fishing for men and after preaching at the first church we went by moto (small motorbike) to the next church. At both meetings heaven came down and our pastor partner managing my trip informed me that 153 prayed to receive Jesus our Lord! Then I remembered another fishing testimony in the gospel of John! Our Resurrected Savior told the disciples to throw their nets and they caught a miraculous 153 fish-just like us on our fishing trip today-oh Hallelujah!!! I preached one more time today in the evening and I taught on the grace of Abba from Titus 2:11-15-many were blessed. So far, we are just over approximately 900 who have prayed to receive our Savior Jesus!
Feb 3-5 2020 - days eleven-thirteen -
I am writing this after the fact having just arrived in Tel Aviv and now on the train to be picked up by my son at the Haifa train station. On Feb 3 we drove back to Kigali as I was scheduled initially to speak at a church and then to the airport for my return. But my flight was delayed and the Feb 3 church added two nights and a daytime women's conference to my speaking schedule-Hallelujah! The pastor and I agreed these meetings were more for the body of Messiah than to reach the lost. However, I preached the gospel after teaching at these meetings and the first night 4 came to faith and the third night 1 precious soul was saved-again-Hallelujah!
Evening Feb 5 - Morning Feb 6, 2020 I reached the airport without incident, and now I am back in Israel. Between 900-1000 prayed to repent and follow our Savior Jesus and I am overjoyed with my Savior! Certainly, more than ever I want to watch therefore and be ready!
For those who prayerfully and financially supported this amazing Kingdom effort -
I so thank our Father in heaven for your help and partnership in the everlasting Kingdom of Messiah Jesus! And know this, in our Savior Jesus the best is yet to come! Please join me in prayer for confirmation and execution of such trips for the rest of 2020. We are praying about Kenya, India, Romania, and an August return trip to Burundi/Rwanda with an additional leg to Tanzania. Oh Father be glorified in Messiah Jesus by the Holy Spirit through our Kingdom partnership and efforts-amen.
Please also remember to pray for our basket to be filled regarding our monthly commitments for: Watch Therefore TV, ongoing African pastor support, Bibles for former prostitutes who are now following the Lord and street youth who prayed to receive Messiah Jesus (from this mission trip), and much more!
In His Service,
Dov Schwarz
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Don't forget! Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network - Saturday 10:00pm EST
Inspiration TV - Wednesday 11:00am EST
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Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 832-878-0756 Email: [email protected]
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Poured Out For The Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc.