"We are rejoicing
to be Poured Out
For The Nations!"
Dear Poured Out Followers of Messiah Jesus,
Truly, May 2019 is a big month on my personal journey and also that of our ministry. Certainly, for anyone participating in prayer and giving into our Kingdom work-this is BIG for you too!
Oh Hallelujah, our God Jesus Christ reigns!
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Revelation 12:11)
Testimony of a specific calling
Soon after moving to Israel I awoke one morning with a strong impression or thought that I should begin a television program pertaining to the central message of our ministry-Watch Therefore based on Matthew 24.
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. (Matthew 24:42-44)
As I prayed and began talking with an American Christian network I was very thankful regarding how interested they were in the program concept. However, I did not have a place or set from which to record-nor the funds to pay for an expensive set.
A prominent and special man of God here in Israel-Pastor David Davis, who has since passed and is now with the Lord, was praying with me about my vision. During the prayer he stopped and told me that the Lord wanted me to wait one year to begin programming. Oh, what will the Lord do with those who will wait on Him (Isaiah 40:31).
During that year the Holy Spirit did two major life changing shifts that made it not only possible, but facilitated a very unique environment for our program. First, He truly gave me favor with a different television network and then He moved our family to a mountainside village that overlooks the Sea of Galilee! Our television set is like a post card picture of the Sea of Galilee and cost no more than the price of the rent for our home!
Then, if that were not enough-Pastor Ray Jensen of our church plant Calvary Chapel in Pearland, TX, came to Israel and trained my son for a week in camera and editing. My son took to it supernaturally (Hallelujah!) and he has gone on to become a very skilled and professional cameraman/producer for our TV program!
For a little over two years WATCH THEREFORE has been airing mostly on CTN (Christian Television Network) to about fifty million possible homes in North America and on a satellite that reaches about 75% of the world. We are also on some local and internet programming in the USA. Then something happened this Spring which is so amazing!
Faithfulness goes a long way with the LORD! (Luke 19:17)
At one point I wanted to contact a larger Christian network to introduce my program. But I heard the Lord say to me something like this: "Don't I promote you well enough?" So, I really felt strongly that my Lord Jesus wanted me to be faithful to what He had already given to me and He would take care of the rest.
Then, about two months ago I began to feel strongly that I should learn about programming in England. I asked a British friend some questions about Christian TV in the UK. About two weeks later I got a phone call from the Inspiration TV Network. They are one of the big global Christian TV networks! They program into over 200 countries and over 200,000,000 (two hundred million) homes world-wide.
Their network calculates their time zones for programming outside the USA and all over the world from England's time zone as they program heavily in England and across Europe! Beginning
May 1, 2019 WATCH THEREFORE will air on Inspiration TV on Wednesday at 11am EST in America and before that-11am in England-and all over the world!
When I spoke to the management team at Inspiration they told me that over two million precious souls prayed to receive Jesus as Lord through their ministry in 2018. I had told them that I wanted to make faithful servant disciples who would hear from the Lord one day "Well done thy good and faithful servant." (Matthew 25:23) They told me that Inspiration TV was looking for programming that is gospel and discipleship oriented and they had been watching WATCH THEREFORE and it fit the bill.
Thanks to our great Savior Jesus!
Oh Hallelujah, our Savior Jesus is Lord to the glory of our Father in Heaven! I am so thankful for my Helper the Holy Spirit who is directing me to abide in Messiah Jesus and to seek grace and mercy from my Heavenly Father. I also pray you bear witness with this testimony and that it blesses and empowers you as well!
I am also thankful for those praying for me and our ministry-please keep praying that...
...I would continue abiding in and hearing from our Lord Jesus!
...Many would be saved as they watch our program WATCH THEREFORE!
...Many would become faithful servant disciples from this powerful message!
...Faithful prayer and financial partners would be raised up from our viewers!
...Favor would continue from the Lord!
...All our ministries would flourish from our television outreach!
...We would continue to be poured out for the nations!
Dov Schwarz
Don't forget! Watch Therefore Television Program
Saturdays - 10pm EST/9pm CST, Mondays - 7:30am EST/6:30am CST
CTN-Christian Television Network, available on DISH NETWORK, DIRECT TV, & ROKU.
Now available on KAZQ New Mexico and LightSource!
visit KAZQ: https://kazq32.org for details and local listings!
LightSource: https://www.lightsource.com
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Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 832-878-0756 Email: [email protected]
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Poured Out For The Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc.