"We are rejoicing
to be Poured Out
For The Nations!"
Dear Poured Out Brothers and Sisters In Messiah Jesus,
When my children were young and growing up, I used to tell them something that applies for us now as we begin to think of wrapping up 2020. I would often remind them that it is not how you start a race-it is how you finish. Here are a couple passages of Scripture-one from our Lord Jesus Himself and the other from Paul's letter to his disciple Timothy:
"You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." (John 15:16)
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7)
I am so very thankful for the opportunity our Savior Is giving us to take His salvation to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) November 10-24! This is my last missions outreach to the nations for the year and I am looking for a full basket of fruit! Let me share a little with you about this exciting trip-that I will actually be on while you are reading this letter.
The DRC is a beautiful country rich with great natural resources. Yet, upon this lovely backdrop is seemingly unrelenting trouble and human tragedy. For example, the Rwanda genocide of 1994 spilled over into the DRC triggering an intense spike of brutal militia factions. Some 5.5 million were killed and Eastern DRC became the rape capitol of the world as rape was used as a weapon of terror.
Today, violence ebbs and flows along with intermittent outbreaks of Ebola, political strife, widespread corruption, and poverty. Much of the trouble has been in Eastern DRC where I have been several times. This time I am going back to Western DRC to the Capitol-Kinshasa-a city of about eleven million people.
In the midst of all this human suffering, hopelessness, and darkness-Hallelujah-we have the message of deliverance, eternal hope, and the light of the world-the gospel of Jesus Christ! We will take His life changing, eternal life, and grace and mercy to these precious souls! Also very important, my Congolese ministry partners are so very special!
The DRC is not an English speaking country therefore I need a translator, which is often the case. My Kinshasa translator has quite a testimony as the Lord gave him the gift of the tongue of English. His name is Winner and he did not study English with traditional methods yet speaks it fluently! It truly is a holy and powerful experience when I preach and he translates.
Many years ago Winner introduced me to a uniquely anointed man named Pastor Richard. Sometimes, there are people we meet that have a "something special" that can only come from our Risen Savior-Pastor Richard certainly is one of those! There is something of the presence of the Holy Spirit that only those who uniquely abide in Messiah Jesus for the glory of our Heavenly Father carry with them-and you know it when you see it! Of all the many trips to DRC this is the first time I will be working through Pastor Richard's ministry and we are all expecting heaven to come down in our midst!
Lord willing, we will be in churches in Kinshasa, but also in many small outlying villages where so many hungry unsaved souls are waiting for us. Yet Lord willing, it will not be us, but our Savior Jesus manifesting His glory for our Heavenly Father's sake who
will be the Star of the show! (Matthew 5:16) And, Lord willing, we will see many precious souls saved from their sins, set free from strongholds, and set on a path of eternal righteousness in Messiah Jesus!
Having heard these things, I have a question: Do you want in on this? We have seen the Holy Spirit working (beginning in January) even in this year where so much is shut down! In Burundi and Rwanda, Africa on two different trips we have seen salvations, healings, Pastor Conferences and much more! Now, we are asking our Abba Father to help us one more time to finish the year even better than it began!
Missions Reminder
Again, as I have been saying all year, there are three primary ways to co-labor in missions:
1) Praying
2) Giving
3) Going
Also, once again and gladly, I will do the going. Will you prayerfully consider doing the praying and giving? One of these three components is not more or less important than the other-those praying, giving, and going are equally working together for the One who receives the glory as only He can give the increase-the Lord of the Harvest Himself-our Savior and King Jesus!
Even while you are reading this letter and I am in the DRC you can be praying according to the things you have heard in this letter and as the Holy Spirit leads. Also, please only as the Holy Spirit leads, you can send whatever He places on your heart to help support this DRC outreach, as well as our other ongoing monthly gospel and discipleship outreaches and commitments.
In His service,
Dov Schwarz
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Poured Out For The Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc.