"We are rejoicing
to be Poured Out
For The Nations!"
Dear Poured Out Brothers and Sisters In Messiah Jesus,
I have some good news for you! As it seems or would appear that everything is falling apart - the opposite is actually true. Things are not falling apart-things are coming together! I study and teach Bible prophecy and it is leaping off the pages of the Bible just as it is written. And here is some more good news-all heaven is breaking loose into the earth in these very difficult times!
Our ministry opportunities are expanding quickly as our Savior is opening doors that nobody can shut! I have begun preaching in India using Zoom video conferencing. Our Indian ministry partner Bishop Reinhard shepherds over 2,000 churches in India.
The Holy Spirit confirmed the preaching and Bible teaching with His awesome presence and we all were praising our Savior Jesus! I was preaching about the grace of our Lord as He is keeping covenant promises through Bible prophecy. We have great and precious promises-the foundation of which, are realized in Covenant and Prophecy!
Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:2-4)
The grace of our Lord that saved us is also teaching us to reject ungodliness in the most ungodly generation. Additionally, grace is teaching us to embrace godliness. It also teaches us to look for the blessed hope - the rapture. Remember, the grace that gave us His divine nature will also give us a divine-eternal, sin free body! Along with these things, grace is teaching us to be excited to work for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ! After hearing these things here is a question-are you walking by grace?
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. (Titus 2:11-14)
Bishop Reinhard has asked me to preach weekly over Zoom. So then, I am preaching weekly all over India without leaving my home - Oh Hallelujah! Please pray for many Indian believers to become deeper disciples of our Savior Jesus! Please also pray that many who have not yet been saved will come to our Savior through these meetings!
In August I will be preaching in Burundi, Africa by Zoom at least twice Lord willing. The first meeting is a one-day pastor conference. We will be providing breakfast and lunch for one hundred pastors and church leaders as we equip them with the Watch Therefore message and the need to win as many souls as possible with the little remaining time we have before our Savior comes for us! Please pray that our teaching time will be powerful and fruitful. Also, please pray for the finances to provide breakfast and lunch.

The other Burundi outreach will be to poverty stricken people who desperately need the gospel. Lord willing, we will provide a little sugar, rice, and hand sanitizer for these precious needy souls. Think of it, their poverty is so great that they will come out for a little sugar and rice-yet their poverty of spirit and need for our Savior is much greater! We would like to preach the gospel to them and see them become disciples of our Savior Jesus - Oh Lord may it be so! Please pray for many to be saved and become fruitful disciples of Messiah Jesus! Also, please pray for the funds to provide the things we will be giving them.
Then Lord willing, I will go in September to Rwanda for two outreaches in two cities. In each we will have a four-day gospel outreach and three or four day pastor conferences. Also, we are having a special meeting with about one hundred women who were former prostitutes and received Jesus as Lord when I was preaching in Rwanda in February. Lord willing, we will provide a nice luncheon for them to celebrate how our Savior has faithfully kept them by His grace in their new lives in Christ!
Of course our ongoing ministry to the nations also continues through our Watch Therefore television program. It is on the Inspiration Network, CTN (Christian Television Network), and The Walk, which is a network of local Christian television stations across America. Please pray for many deeper disciples and even that some who are lost would come across the program as I share the gospel at the end of every program with an invitation for the lost to receive Messiah Jesus. Please also pray for the HUGE monthly financial commitments that we have to be met as well.
This poured out work also involves prayerful and financial support of church leaders in Africa and India. Please pray for our financial support to be uninterrupted for these strategic agents of grace in the nations!
Please remember there are three primary components of missions gospel and discipleship outreach: Praying, Giving, & Going. Please also, consider that as you do the praying and/or giving - I will do the going! If you do not have a leading from the Holy Spirit to give (and please only give if you do), would you please pray and ask our Heavenly Father in Messiah Jesus holy name for Kingdom fruit and resources for the work?
Together, let's be "Team Jesus" and be Poured Out For The Nations!
In His service,
Dov Schwarz
Dov's New Book is Now Available!
Activate the Blessings of the Abraham Covenant
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Don't forget! Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network:
Saturday 10:00pm EST
Monday 7:30am EST
Inspiration TV:
Wednesday 11:00am EST
The Walk:
Sunday 9:00pm EST
Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 832-878-0756 Email: [email protected]
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Poured Out For The Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc.