Newsletter – June 2020

"We are rejoicing
to be Poured Out
For The Nations!"

Dear Poured Out Brothers and Sisters In Messiah Jesus,

Our Savior tells every generation of His disciples:

"Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you
do not expect." (Matthew 24:42-44)

There is a primary reason we, as His disciples, should obey His command to watch therefore and be ready for the rapture now more than ever, as He comes to take us back to that place He has been preparing for us (John 14:1-3). Many Bible prophecy signs that unmistakably point to His soon return to Jerusalem are upon us right now. The rapture must take place before His return-so not only could the rapture take place anytime-but due to these signs-unlike any previous generation-we know that it will also take place soon!

It appears that the world is spinning out of control into sin and wickedness, which will certainly intensify. Yet, we also know that our Lord, who is in control, is doing much in the earth at this time. I am so very full of thanks and joy of all the Lord is doing-not only in the world-but also through our ministry! In this letter I will share some of the incredible opportunities we have with our television program Watch Therefore and the missions opportunities I have mentioned recently. Now is the time-like no other-to pour ourselves out for the faith of others!

Our television program Watch Therefore is for the purpose of helping as many precious souls, for whom our Savior Jesus shed His innocent blood, to hear from Him "Well
done thy good and faithful servant." We begin airing across the USA in June on a network called "The Walk". It is a network of local Christian stations across the country. We are now on three networks, The Walk, CTN, and Inspiration TV - two of which are international and one that is national. Our TV program is airing now five days a week-sometimes twice a day.

FYI, this program started when the Lord spoke to my heart one morning as I was waking up in Haifa, Israel. I did not have a place to record the program, no money for a set to record, a cameraman, producer, or a network to air the show. Then, the Holy Spirit led us to the mountainside house overlooking the Sea of Galilee where we record the program. He trained my son to produce the show and our Savior hand-picked the networks as platforms to proclaim His message: Watch Therefore and Be Ready!
He has also raised up prayer and financial partners from our precious viewers to help pay for the program-maybe even you! Our help comes from the Lord and we need Him to raise up more of each-prayer partners and financial partners-maybe even you?! It is like a miracle to see these overwhelming amounts of funds that we have to pay to do this work actually come in every month!

We are so thankful to our Father in heaven for His grace and mercy to include us in His end time harvest, which leads us to our next subject: Gospel and Discipleship Opportunities!

Burundi, Africa -July ?
We are praying about the possibility of going to many churches in Burundi as soon as July. We are praying that as the lockdowns are loosening that people would not be afraid to come to the churches where I would be speaking. They have had very few deaths from the virus as it has not been nearly as bad there as many places.

Rwanda, Africa - August 10-20
We work with a denominational church network of 4,000 churches in Rwanda. Some of them have scheduled these dates for two outdoor gospel outreaches. Earlier in the year-just before the global virus-I was with some of these precious church leaders and we saw about 1,000 precious souls come to Messiah Jesus! We expect to see many more come for salvation in August.

Nigeria, Africa - September ?
A great door has opened to us in Nigeria! I have been invited to come and preach the gospel in Nigeria in West Africa in September. One who has invited me is a Bishop whom I spoke and prayed with on the phone. When he heard about the watch therefore message and that I was preaching the rapture and the gospel together he was so very happy! Oh Hallelujah and praise to our Savior Jesus! I am waiting on the Lord for His confirmation for this invitation.

India - October
I have been invited to India by an Arch Bishop who presides over one thousand churches! He has invited me to preach the watch therefore message along with the gospel. He would like me to teach and preach in as many of these churches as possible in the years to come as time allows before the rapture-Oh Hallelujah!

As I am finishing this letter I am also listening to the song Awesome God-Our God is an Awesome God! He reigns from Heaven above with wisdom, power and love our God is an Awesome God!

This is so helpful and important to me because as I am sharing all these opportunities with you, I am also reminded of how much this will all cost on top of all our other monthly commitments. Just for the Rwanda outreach alone, I am so out and beyond my own natural understanding and my faith is being stretched. Yet, I trust that our God who is such an Awesome God will raise up precious ones who will see that this vision is directly from Him and for the glory of our Resurrected Savior Jesus through Whom we can worship our Heavenly Father in Spirit and truth! As the Holy Spirit leads, join us in a great way to WATCH THEREFORE AND BE READY!

In His service,
Dov Schwarz

Dov's New Book is Now Available!

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Don't forget! Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network - Saturday 10:00pm EST
Inspiration TV - Wednesday 11:00am EST

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Poured Out For The Nations
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 832-878-0756 Email: [email protected]

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Poured Out For The Nations is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc.