Philippians 2:17 “ Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.”
Today it may seem that Islam will win. There is a tidal wave of momentum especially in Europe which some now call Eurabia. The feeling sweeping much of the globe is that Israel needs to give Jerusalem away to the Muslims which of course would in effect destroy Israel. Israel isn’t Israel without Jerusalem. This is simply a ruse to succeed where Pharaoh, Haman, Hitler, Arafat and others have failed— to destroy the Jews! The Muslim led countries think they are playing the nations of the world like a violin. The UN led by Europe, Russia, China, and the USA are increasingly in lockstep with Islam. There was a man mentioned a moment ago named Haman in the Persian Kingdom led by King Ahasuerus (Ah kash fair oos). This book of Esther story is usually told during the feast of Purim in the late winter/ early spring, but it is timely–right now.
Haman was riding a wave of seemingly unbridled success in Persia. The King promoted him to great power and notoriety. Every new day brought more recognition and power to Haman. He parleyed this success to do something that Amalekites like Haman historically loved to do—kill the Jews. His hatred for the Jews along with his pride and arrogance kept him in the dark about a few critical items of interest:
To come against the Jews is to come against the Holy One Of Israel!
The Persian King’s wife was a Jew!
Mordechai, the Jew that Haman hated the most and even built a gallows on which to hang him, was the beloved cousin and counselor to the Persian King’s Jewish wife!